We love whales!
Here are a few of the books we’ve been using
Some of the children spontaneously took out the world puzzle map and globes while they examined the books about whales. I love when they start doing these things on their own!
One of our parents emailed us this little gem:
“You must have turned on a light bulb with (my daughter) in your whale discussions. She can’t stop talking about them. (Her mom) took her to the library to get her whale books. We read one last night and after every sentence about whales that I read, she had a two or three sentence commentary.”
Parts of a Baleen Whale
I made these nomenclature cards. Blog subscribers can get a free copy.
What do baleen whales love to eat?
How Long is a Whale? (Free Printable Download available for blog subscribers)
Best. Work. Ever. The whale picture card is wrapped with yarn that represents the actual length of the whale. There is an ID card that goes with each picture so you can get more information about each whale. This idea was inspired by Priority Montessori.
Here we are outside comparing the different lengths.
What Does a Whale Sound Like?
We’ve enjoyed listening to some whale sounds too!
Humpback whale
Killer whale
Check out our Antarctica Pinterest Board for more ideas!
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Seemi holds a Master's degree in education, and an AMS Early Childhood credential. She has twenty years of experience in Montessori as a teacher, school administrator, and school owner. Seemi is the founder of TrilliumMontessori.org.