The May Idea Book provides a collection of Montessori-aligned activities to help you bring the season into your classroom. It’s like a photo album of ideas, offering practical and engaging ways to introduce sorting, phonological awareness, early math, and more. This resource includes ideas for practical life, language, and cultural lessons that are easy to […]
Free Printable: April Idea Book
The April Idea Book provides a collection of Montessori-aligned activities to help you bring the season into your classroom. It’s like a photo album of ideas, offering practical and engaging ways to introduce sorting, phonological awareness, early math, and more. This resource includes ideas for practical life, language, and cultural lessons that are easy to […]
Free Printable: March Idea Book
The March Seasonal Idea Book is ready! This resource includes ideas for your classroom that are easy to implement and designed to complement your existing Montessori materials. Whether you’re looking to add variety to your routine or bring in some seasonal inspiration, the activities in this book offer simple yet meaningful options. All materials featured here […]
Free Printable: December Idea Book
The December Idea Book provides a collection of Montessori-aligned activities to help you bring the season into your classroom. It’s like a photo album of ideas, offering practical and engaging ways to introduce sorting, phonological awareness, early math, and more. This resource includes ideas for practical life, language, and cultural lessons that are easy to […]
Parts of a Leaf
Leaves are essential to the survival of plants, acting as the primary site for photosynthesis, where energy from the sun is turned into food. Although leaves may appear simple, they are made up of various specialized parts, each with its own important role. In this post, we’ll focus on four key parts of a leaf: […]
Parts of a Tree
Trees are some of the most vital organisms on Earth, providing oxygen, habitats, and resources for humans and wildlife. Understanding the parts of a tree is crucial in grasping how these incredible plants function. Here’s a breakdown of the main parts of a tree, along with definitions and interesting facts. Scroll down to find our […]
Types of Whales: Facts, Pictures, Adaptations, Printable
Whales are some of the largest and most fascinating animals on Earth. They belong to the order Cetacea, which includes all whales, dolphins, and porpoises. There are two main types of whales: baleen whales and toothed whales. Baleen whales filter food from the water using baleen plates, while toothed whales have teeth and hunt their […]
The Life Cycle of a Chicken Free Printable
The life cycle of a chicken is a fascinating journey that transforms a tiny egg into a full-grown rooster or hen. Chickens undergo several stages of development, each with its unique changes and milestones. Understanding the life cycle of a chicken can help you appreciate how these birds grow and develop from their earliest days […]
Free Printable: February Idea Book
The February Seasonal Idea Book is ready! This resource includes ideas for your classroom that are easy to implement and designed to complement your existing Montessori materials. Whether you’re looking to add variety to your routine or bring in some seasonal inspiration, the activities in this book offer simple yet meaningful options. All materials featured here […]
Free Montessori Printables
Looking for our free Montessori printables? We’ve gathered them into this handy list! Use the links below to navigate to the information page for each of our printables. All of our printables are stored in the Free Resource Library. You will receive a password to access the library once you sign up (free). Want to […]
Free Printable: Penguin Life Cycle
We have a new free printable about the life cycle of a penguin on our subscriber page this week! Emperor penguins are one of the most fascinating and iconic birds in the world. Known for their striking black and white feathers and their incredible endurance, these penguins live in one of the harshest environments […]
Types of Bats 3-Part Cards: Free Printable
Bats are among the most intriguing creatures in the animal kingdom. With their unique adaptations and diverse species, they play a crucial role in our ecosystems. This blog post will introduce you to some fascinating types of bats, each with its own distinct characteristics and behaviors. From the tiny Bumblebee Bat to the majestic Grey […]
Free Printable: Snakes 3 Part Cards
This week, we wanted to use these beautiful snake clipart illustrations by EduClips to create some 3-part cards to share! This set of 3-part cards includes color illustrations as well as blacklines. American Copperhead The American Copperhead is a venomous snake native to North America, known for its distinctive coppery-brown color and hourglass-shaped markings. It prefers wooded […]
Free Printable: January Idea Book
The January Seasonal Idea Book is ready! This resource includes ideas for practical life, language, and science lessons that are easy to implement and designed to complement your existing Montessori materials. Whether you’re looking to add variety to your routine or bring in some seasonal inspiration, the activities in this book offer simple yet meaningful options. […]
Free Printable: November Idea Book
The November Idea Book provides a collection of Montessori-aligned activities to help you bring the season into your classroom. It’s like a photo album of ideas, offering practical and engaging ways to introduce sorting, phonological awareness, early math, and more—each tied to the themes of autumn, from leaves to turkeys. This resource includes ideas for […]
Free Printable: October Idea Book
Can you smell autumn in the air? Neither can I 🙂 But that doesn’t mean it’s not here! Pretty soon there will be a nip in the air, the leaves will begin changing color and pumpkins will start showing up on door steps. It’s time for us to start thinking about how to bring signs […]
Life Cycle of a Ladybug: Free Printable
The life cycle of a ladybug has four stages: egg, larva, pupa, and adult. Eggs hatch into larvae that eat pests. Larvae molt into pupae. After 1-2 weeks, adult ladybugs emerge to continue eating pests before mating and laying eggs. Ladybugs capture the imagination of preschoolers and kindergarteners everywhere with their bright colors, spots, and […]
Life Cycle of a Bee: Free Printable
The bee life cycle consists of four main stages: egg, larva, pupa, and adult. Bees are fascinating creatures that play a crucial role in our ecosystem. They pollinate plants and produce honey, which is not only delicious but also has many health benefits. In this post, we will explore the life cycle of a bee […]
Life Cycle of a Butterfly: Free Printable
Butterflies captivate children with their vivid colors and elegant flight, making them a perfect subject for educational exploration. The life cycle of a butterfly—from egg to caterpillar, then chrysalis, and finally adult butterfly—is a remarkable process that offers valuable lessons in biology, growth, and adaptation. In this article, we take a look at the life […]
Life Cycle of a Cicada: Free Printable
As spring and summer approach, many parts of the world will be filled with the loud, distinctive calls of cicadas. These insects have a unique life cycle that can be both captivating and educational for children. To help you teach your students or homeschoolers about cicadas, we’ve put together a free download that includes cicada […]
Life Cycle of an Ant: Free Printable
The life cycle of an ant has four main stages: egg, larva, pupa, and adult. In this post, we will explore the life cycle of an ant, from egg to adult, and provide a free downloadable printable for children to learn the names of the various stages. Understanding the life cycle of an ant can […]
Free Printable: Aquarium Fish
This week’s 5th Anniversary Freebie Friday features common aquarium fish. This set of 3-part cards includes color illustrations as well as blacklines. The following aquarium fish are included: Angelfish Clown loach Female molly Male molly Female swordtail Male swordtail Neon tetra Zebrafish
Free Printable: Arctic Animals
This set of Montessori 3-part cards features a selection of Arctic animals. Use these cards to introduce children to the diverse wildlife of the Arctic and spark conversations about how animals live and thrive in such a harsh environment. This set includes color illustrations as well as blacklines so children can make their own booklet. The […]
Free Printable: Animals of North America
Add these 3-part cards to your shelves when you’re learning about animals of North America! This set includes color illustrations as well as blacklines so children can make their own booklets. Animals included in this set: Beaver Bear Cougar Coyote Deer Bald Eagle Elk Fox Owl Raccoon Skunk Squirrel Wolf Animals of North America Beaver […]
Free Printable: Birds Coloring and 3-Part Cards
Are you looking to add an engaging and educational activity to your bird unit or nature shelf? Our free printable set of Montessori 3-part cards of common birds is a perfect addition to your classroom. These cards not only feature color illustrations but also include blackline versions for coloring so children can create their own […]
Spring Literacy Activities for Preschoolers
Oral Language and Vocabulary Development The Question Game. Use the clues on the question card to find the right picture. (Source: Spring Montessori Pack and In the Garden Preschool Pack) Following Directions (Source: In the Garden Preschool Pack) Where is the Snail? A Prepositions Game (Source: In the Garden Preschool Pack) Matching and Sorting Sorting by Color(Source: In […]
Space Vocabulary: Free Printable
Teaching space vocabulary to your preschoolers? The “I Have, Who Has” game is a great way to make learning new words fun and interactive. This popular classroom game can be easily adapted to teach a variety of vocabulary, including space terms. Our free printable cards feature large photos and easy-to-read words, making it perfect for […]
Blue Whales and Parts of a Baleen Whale: Free Printable
Blue whales, the largest animals on Earth, are part of a special group called baleen whales. These massive creatures can grow up to 100 feet long and move gracefully through the ocean. Baleen whales, like blue whales, eat tiny organisms such as krill using special comb-like structures in their mouths called baleen plates. This way […]
Antarctic Food Web: Free Printable
The Antarctic Food Web The Antarctic Food Web offers a fascinating glimpse into the relationships between species living in one of the coldest environments on Earth. Understanding these connections helps students grasp how life in extreme conditions relies on balance and interdependence. By teaching the Antarctic food web, you can introduce students to the unique […]
Physical Features of Antarctica: Free Printable
It is the gift-giving season in many parts of the world and I have a ton of gifts to share with my amazing blog subscribers! I will be uploading one new free printable every day until Christmas. Today’s Freebie Physical Features of Antarctica We had a ton of fun learning about Antarctica last year. Antarctica Overview […]
Free Printable Biomes of Australia
Scroll down for details on how to download this printable. Take a look at some of our Australia Unit Studies work from last year for more ideas. Learn more about the biomes of the world Related Products Click the images for details. (Affiliate links may be included in this post. See full disclosures here.) […]
Free Printable Biomes of North America
This free printable features six major biomes of North America: deserts, grasslands, temperate forests, tropical forests, wetlands, and polar regions/tundra with photos of representative regions. North America is home to many different types of natural environments, called biomes. A biome is a large area of land with a specific climate, plants, and animals. Each biome […]
Free Printable Symbols of North Carolina
Symbols of North Carolina 3-Part Cards These may not be as useful to those of you who don’t live in North Carolina! We added these to our Geography shelf during our North America unit studies. Related Products Click the images for details. (Affiliate links may be included in this post. See full disclosures here.) […]
Free Montessori Printable Puzzle Words
There are over one hundred sight words in this collection. They are color coded in groups of ten so you can easily keep track of which set the child is working on. View this post on Instagram A post shared by Crayon Box (@crayonbox89)
Free Montessori Printable: Label the Environment
These are a great addition to your reading shelf. There are a few levels of difficulty so you can do this with a range of readers. The simplest set would correspond to the “blue” reading level (blends and multi-syllables). The second set has words that include phonograms highlighted in red. The most […]
Free Montessori Printable Phonogram Sentences
Ok my friends, this is a HUGE printable and may be my favorite of the lot. You get THREE sentences for EACH of the Montessori phonograms. Yeah, THREE… EACH. This took forever to put together and I love it. I hope you will too! The sentences do include a few basic sight words like “the”, […]
Free Montessori Printable Phonogram Sorting
Three pictures to go with each of the standard Montessori phonogram sandpaper letters. The phonogram sound may be found at the beginning, middle, or end of the word.
Consonant Blends Word List: Free Montessori Printable
A whole lot of word lists to add to your phonetic reading shelf! A variety of beginning and ending blends are represented.
Free Montessori Printable Beginning Sound Sorting Cards
These cards can be used for a variety of early language activities. Cut out and mount on colored paper to coordinate with your letter sets. I do not like to teach the sound of the letter X in the initial position and so this set does not include any pictures for X. All the other […]