These were some of the activities we had on our Montessori shelves in honor of Hanukkah last week.
On the Fine Motor Shelf
We kept our fine motor shelf fairly simple with a blue and white color theme.
Dry Pouring
Wet Pouring
Funnel Pouring
Tong Transfer
Tonging and Making a pattern with pom poms
Spooning marbles
Spooning glittery balls
On the Art Shelf
Painting with White and Blue!
Dreidel Pin Punch
On the Hanukkah Shelf
Hanukkah Shelf
Dreidel Game
Our students love this game!! Practice spinning the dreidel and working on counting. Some children need help reading the directions, so it is best to play this with an older child or adult, but everyone enjoys playing! (Source: we found this set at Target a few years ago)
Hanukkah Matching Cards
(Source: Kidsparkz )
Pre Literacy Activities
Oral Language Development: Following Directions
(Source: Hanukkah Preschool Activities Pack)
Hanukkah 3-Part Cards
(Source: Hanukkah Preschool Activities Pack)
Oral Language Development: The Question Game
(Source: Hanukkah Preschool Activities Pack)
Shadow Matching
(Source: Hanukkah Preschool Activities Pack)
Sorting by Color
(Source: Hanukkah Preschool Activities Pack)
Sorting by Size
(Source: Hanukkah Preschool Activities Pack)
Number Clip Cards
(Source: Hanukkah Preschool Activities Pack)
Number Cards
These would be fun to do with gelt or pennies as counters!
(Source: Hanukkah Preschool Activities Pack)
Some Other Ideas!
DIY Hanukiah
We made this Hanukiah (Hanukkah menorah) using simple wood turnings from the craft store and gluing them on to a wooden base. It cost just a couple of dollars. This would be an easy craft for older children.
A special snack! Latkes and Applesauce!
We’ve also been enjoying the song “Chanukah, Oh Chanukah”
and “The Dreidel Song”
Get More Hanukkah Ideas on our Pinterest board
Follow Seemi @ Trillium Montessori’s board Unit: Hanukkah on Pinterest.
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Seemi holds a Master's degree in education, and an AMS Early Childhood credential. She has twenty years of experience in Montessori as a teacher, school administrator, and school owner. Seemi is the founder of