This set of Montessori 3-part cards features a selection of Arctic animals. Use these cards to introduce children to the diverse wildlife of the Arctic and spark conversations about how animals live and thrive in such a harsh environment. This set includes color illustrations as well as blacklines so children can make their own booklet.
The following animals are included:

Arctic Fox
The Arctic fox has thick, white fur that provides warmth and blends into the snowy landscape. It uses its bushy tail for added protection from the cold and has excellent senses to find food under the snow.
Arctic Hare
The Arctic hare has powerful legs for quickly hopping across the snow. Its dense white fur keeps it warm and camouflages it from predators in the icy environment.
Arctic Tern
The Arctic tern is famous for its long migration, traveling between the Arctic and Antarctic each year. It has a slender body and pointed wings, making it an agile flyer and skilled fish catcher.
Arctic Wolf
The Arctic wolf is well-suited for the cold with its thick fur and strong build. It lives and hunts in packs, working together to catch prey such as caribou and musk oxen.
Caribou, also called reindeer, have large hooves that help them walk on snow and dig for food. Both males and females have antlers, which they use for foraging and protection.
Dall Sheep
Dall sheep are known for their curved horns and thick coats. They live in mountainous areas and are excellent climbers, moving easily across rocky, icy terrain.
Harp Seal
Harp seals are strong swimmers with thick blubber to stay warm in Arctic waters. They are recognized by the harp-shaped markings on their backs and spend much of their lives on and around the ice.
Musk Ox
The musk ox has a long, thick coat that keeps it warm in frigid conditions. It lives in herds and is known for producing a strong musky scent during the mating season.
Polar Bear
Polar bears are the largest land carnivores, with a thick layer of blubber and water-repellent fur. They are excellent swimmers and primarily hunt seals on the sea ice.
The Atlantic puffin is a small seabird with a brightly colored beak. It dives into the water to catch fish and nests in burrows along coastal cliffs.
Snowy Owl
The snowy owl has white feathers that provide camouflage in the snow. It has sharp talons and keen eyesight, which make it an effective hunter of small Arctic mammals.
Walruses are large marine mammals with long tusks and whiskers. They use their tusks to pull themselves onto the ice and defend themselves. Thick blubber helps them stay warm in icy waters.
Learn about more arctic animals and animals of the tundra.
And if you want to head over to the South Pole and learn about some animals from Antarctica, check out our Penguins and Chicks and Antarctic Food Web cards that are also available for free in the Resource Library.
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Seemi holds a Master's degree in education, and an AMS Early Childhood credential. She has twenty years of experience in Montessori as a teacher, school administrator, and school owner. Seemi is the founder of