The May Idea Book provides a collection of Montessori-aligned activities to help you bring the season into your classroom. It’s like a photo album of ideas, offering practical and engaging ways to introduce sorting, phonological awareness, early math, and more. This resource includes ideas for practical life, language, and cultural lessons that are easy to […]
Free Printable: April Idea Book
The April Idea Book provides a collection of Montessori-aligned activities to help you bring the season into your classroom. It’s like a photo album of ideas, offering practical and engaging ways to introduce sorting, phonological awareness, early math, and more. This resource includes ideas for practical life, language, and cultural lessons that are easy to […]
Free Printable: March Idea Book
The March Seasonal Idea Book is ready! This resource includes ideas for your classroom that are easy to implement and designed to complement your existing Montessori materials. Whether you’re looking to add variety to your routine or bring in some seasonal inspiration, the activities in this book offer simple yet meaningful options. All materials featured here […]
Free Printable: December Idea Book
The December Idea Book provides a collection of Montessori-aligned activities to help you bring the season into your classroom. It’s like a photo album of ideas, offering practical and engaging ways to introduce sorting, phonological awareness, early math, and more. This resource includes ideas for practical life, language, and cultural lessons that are easy to […]
The Life Cycle of a Pumpkin
From seed to fruit, the life cycle of a pumpkin offers many opportunities to learn about seasons, nature, and the way that plants grow. In this post, we’ll explore the six stages in a pumpkin’s life cycle and share some fun facts about this plant. The Six Stages of the Pumpkin’s Life Cycle Pumpkins have […]
The Life Cycle of a Chicken Free Printable
The life cycle of a chicken is a fascinating journey that transforms a tiny egg into a full-grown rooster or hen. Chickens undergo several stages of development, each with its unique changes and milestones. Understanding the life cycle of a chicken can help you appreciate how these birds grow and develop from their earliest days […]
Preschool Themes for June
Looking for preschool themes for June? From ice cream to sunshine to treasures found on the beach, June is a fantastic month to engage preschoolers with themes that celebrate both the arrival of summer and special events. Whether you’re in school year round or just looking for fun themes to keep your preschoolers engaged this […]
Preschool Themes for Fall
Looking for preschool themes for fall? As the leaves begin to change and the air becomes crisp, fall presents a bounty of opportunities to explore new topics that are both educational and entertaining for young minds. This season is an excellent time to engage children with the natural world through sensory-rich experiences and exciting discoveries. […]
Farm Animals: Preschool Activities and Facts
Farm animals provide an engaging and educational topic for preschool students. By learning about the different creatures found on farms and ranches, children can build language skills, understand biology concepts, practice counting and sorting, and much more. Scroll down for more farm theme preschool activity ideas. This blog post will introduce some of the most […]
Preschool Themes for Summer
Looking for preschool themes for Summer? From celebrating the summer solstice and planting gardens to exploring the ocean and more, these themes provide opportunities for hands-on fun for your young learners. Explore the Season: Preschool Themes for Summer Summer Solstice Transportation Ice Cream Gardens and Forests: Preschool Themes for Summer Camping Fungi and Mushrooms Planting […]
May Themes for Preschool
Looking for May themes for preschool? May is a great month for exploring new themes and topics related to spring with your preschoolers. With warmer weather and longer days, there are plenty of opportunities to explore the outdoors and learn about the plants and animals that come to life during this season. You can plan […]
Montessori and Preschool Themes
Below you’ll find our big list of preschool themes that work well with the cultural area of the Montessori classroom. You’ll find practical ideas for adding hands-on, developmentally appropriate activities to your environments. Themes Seasonal Themes for Preschool Autumn Themes Winter Themes Spring Themes Summer Themes Science Themes for Preschool Animals Plants & Fungi Ecology […]
Free Printable: February Idea Book
The February Seasonal Idea Book is ready! This resource includes ideas for your classroom that are easy to implement and designed to complement your existing Montessori materials. Whether you’re looking to add variety to your routine or bring in some seasonal inspiration, the activities in this book offer simple yet meaningful options. All materials featured here […]
The Tundra Biome: Facts, Activities, Printables
Most people generally think of the tundra as a vast, icy area with very few living things. However, while the tundra is certainly cold and icy, it’s actually home to a surprising variety of plants and animals! Each of these living things has special adaptations to survive the challenging and chilly conditions of the tundra […]
What are Biomes?
If you love exploring the great outdoors, you might have heard of the term “biome.” But what exactly are biomes? A biome is a big area of our planet where certain types of plants and animals live together because they like the same kind of climate. It’s a special area on Earth where everything fits […]
Learning About the Human Body
Did you know that the human body is made up of around 30 trillion cells? From the internal systems that keep us going to the senses that help us explore the world, the human body is full of exciting information to discover. In this post, we’ll share a roundup of ideas for a human body […]
The Rainforest Biome: Resources for the Classroom
Did you know that rainforests cover only 6% of the Earth’s surface but are home to more than half of the world’s plant and animal species? The rainforest biome is an important part of the Earth’s ecosystem, providing oxygen, regulating the climate, and supporting many, many species of plants and animals. Learning about the rainforest […]
Learning About Mammals
From the freezing tundra to the scorching desert and even in the ocean, mammals can be found all over the world. Some of the most well-known mammals include cats, dogs, bears, monkeys, whales – and humans! In this blog post, we’ve gathered a variety of resources to support a unit focused on learning about mammals. […]
The Ocean Biome
Did you know that the ocean covers about 70% of the Earth’s surface? Or that there’s enough salt in the ocean to completely cover all the Earth’s land surfaces? The ocean is an amazing place! In this blog post, we’ll “dive into” ideas to support a unit study of the vast ocean biome. We’ll give an […]
Learning About Fish
Did you know that there are over 30,000 species of fish in the world? Or that some fish can change their color to blend in with their surroundings? Fish are fascinating creatures that can be found in various bodies of water around the world. Learning about fish is an excellent way for children to expand their […]
The Desert Biome
Did you know that most desert regions receive less than 10 inches of rain per year? Plants and animals in the desert biome have developed some amazing strategies to survive in this harsh, arid climate. For example, the camel is able to survive for long periods without water thanks to the ability to store fat […]
The Temperate Forest Biome
With a mix of deciduous and coniferous trees (and often featuring dramatic changes from season to season!) the temperate forest biome is a fascinating ecosystem providing a home for a diverse range of plant and animal species. In this post, we’ll explore this beautiful biome and share useful resources for putting together a forest unit […]
Learning About Reptiles
From chameleons that can change color to crocodiles that can hold their breath for hours, reptiles are a captivating group of animals that can be found all over the world. Learning about reptiles can help children to broaden their scientific knowledge and vocabulary, as well as deepen their appreciation for the natural world. In this […]
The Wetland Biome
Have you ever spent time in a wetland? The wetland biome is full of fascinating plants and animals that are adapted to living in and near water, like cattails, water lilies, salamanders, frogs, turtles, and herons. The wetland also plays an important role in helping keep our water clean – more about this below. In […]
The Grassland Biome
Did you know that many grasslands depend on periodic wildfires to maintain balance in the ecosystem? A grassland is a large, open region containing many grasses and other low-growing plants. The grassland biome is found on all continents except Antarctica. In this blog post, we’ve collected resources for a unit study on grassland plants, animals, […]
Diversity and Inclusion Resources
To support all members in our learning communities, it’s important to intentionally promote diversity and inclusion. Inclusive practices help build strong communities and communicate to learners and community members that their perspectives are valid and important. In this post, we’ve collected a wide range of resources for supporting diversity and inclusion in learning communities. Trillium […]
Facing Racial Inequality: A Call for Courage
Sometimes being an educator takes courage. In order to show up as the guides our children need us to be, we have to find the strength to look at the things about ourselves and our environments that make us uncomfortable. The things that make us question what we’ve always taken for granted. The things that […]
Learning About Germs and Hygiene
Talking to young children about the concept of “germs” can be quite challenging! Preschoolers have a hard time conceptualizing things that they cannot experience through their senses. However, in this era when lives have been turned topsy turvy because of a global pandemic, the conversation about germs is difficult to put off! The Germs […]
Ramadan Activities for Preschool
Ramadan is the ninth month of the Muslim calendar. The Muslim calendar is a lunar calendar, which means that the months follow the cycles of the moon. This also means that the months do not correspond to the western calendar months. Each year, Ramadan is approximately 11 days earlier than the year before. As the […]
Cosmic Nesting Dolls
“Let us give the children a vision of the universe.” Maria Montessori in To Educate the Human Potential. Update: The Cosmic Nesting Dolls in the video were originally available from Where Am I? but sadly it seems they are no longer making them. If you would like to try your hand at DIYing the […]
Montessori Resources for Learning About Birds
We always enjoy learning about birds! From eggs, to feathers, to nests, there is a lot to explore. One of our readers, Dagmar Brumovska shared this fantastic bird egg activity with us… including a free printable! You can find this printable in Dagmar’s brand new TpT store HERE. (While Dagmar’s egg printable makes a fun […]
Learning About Frogs and Amphibians
Did you know that amphibians are the only vertebrates capable of breathing through their skin? It’s true! In this blog post, we’ll share a variety of engaging resources for a lesson or unit study focused on frogs and amphibians. We’ve pulled together a range of books, crafts, printables, and hands-on activities perfect for students interested […]
Montessori Resources for Learning About Europe
Learning About Europe | Trillium Montessori These are some of the activities we’ve enjoyed while learning about Europe at my school. Europe Printable Packs | Trillium Montessori Shop Be sure to check out the Europe themed printables in my shop. Unit: Europe | Pinterest Find more learning ideas and resources on my Europe Pinterest Board […]
Learning About the Festival of Diwali
I am delighted to welcome Amruta Ram to the Trillium Montessori blog! Amruta lives in India and is passionate about early learning. She is the mom of a toddler who she is raising using Montessori principles. In this guest post, Amruta shares some of the activities she has created for her child as they get […]
Pumpkin Patch Phonological and Phonemic Awareness
We will be taking a field trip to the pumpkin patch in a couple of weeks. To prepare, our classroom is starting to fill up with “pumpkiny” activities. If you haven’t already downloaded my free October Seasonal Guide for the Classroom with pictures of our seasonal activities for the month, you can get all the details in the […]
Resources for Talking to Children About Race and Racism
We are living in pivotal times. Issues of race and racism are not new. Modern day America was created after a clash of epic proportions over this issue. A world war has been fought over this. Many of us thought that we, as a species, had put the worst behind us and were headed in […]
Learning About North America
Here are the contents of our North America unit studies box. You can read more about how we store our unit studies supplies here. Of course, it would be VERY un-Montessori of us to give the box as-is to our students! Ah, much better! Here are the materials displayed neatly on the shelves so the […]
Preschool Activities for a Camping Theme
If you’re planning to do a camping theme in your summer program this year, here are some shelf activities you can add to the classroom: Spooning little bees We had this Sneaky Snacky Squirrel Game lying around and used it for a color matching and fine motor activity. A little setup for pond life Gluing little […]
Asia Preschool Printables
Do you have our Asia Preschool Pack? These printables can easily be added to your shelves during your study of Asia. Also be sure to check out our other posts about Asia! Learning About Asia: Introduction Learning About Asia: East Asia Learning About Asia: Middle East Learning About Asia: South Asia On the Art Shelf […]
Honey Bees: Cooking in the Montessori Children’s House
I am honored to share with you this simple food preparation activity from the Cooking in the Children’s House series by Megan Ray Durkin. Megan has a goal — to help children feel they are stewards of the earth and true citizens of the world. The projects from Cooking in the Children’s House blend her appreciation for children’s […]
Learning About Bees
Hands on activities for learning about bees in the preschool and Montessori classroom. When you’re working with preschoolers and young children, keep in mind that they need to have exposure to the real thing before working with abstract representations of it. This is particularly true for nature. Spend lots of time in nature. Get dirty, see […]
Spring Ideas for the Preschool Classroom
Spring is in the air and it’s the perfect time for all sorts of nature studies with your preschoolers! Go outside and get your hands dirty as much as you can! Every week, the members of the Trillium {Community} Facebook group share photos of their shelves and activities in our weekly “Shelfie Saturday” share thread. […]
Simple Ways To Bring More Diversity Into Your Classroom Materials
If you’re reading this, I’ll assume you already care about diversity in your classroom. And that you put in a conscious effort to make sure you avoid enforcing stereotypes and cultivating an atmosphere of tolerance and respect in your classroom. “Peace” and “inclusion” are probably mainstays of your curriculum already. With that in mind, […]
A Pun for Father’s Day
Here’s an easy Father’s Day craft if you need to throw something together at the last minute! Even the preschoolers got a chuckle out of this one! “He’s cute!” “He looks nothing like my dad!” “I love his nose!” We talked about how this was a “pun”. “A pun is a kind of joke where […]
Earth Day Preschool Activities
Here are some of the activities we have on our Montessori preschool shelves while we celebrate Earth Day! On the Art Shelf Cutting Strips This is a great activity for who children who are just beginning to learn how to hold scissors properly. (Source: Earth Day Preschool Pack ) Cutting Lines Cutting on the […]
Easter Preschool Activities
This week I’m honored to share with you some photos contributed by one of our long time readers, Dagmar Brumovska! She has a lot fun ideas that you can try on your preschool shelves for Easter. We also have photos of the printable cards included in the Trillium Montessori Easter Preschool Pack. Between the two, your […]
Chinese New Year Preschool Activities
Here are some of the activities we have on our Montessori preschool shelves in preparation for the Chinese New Year! On the Fine Motor Shelf We kept our fine motor shelf pretty simple. We just have a red theme with some rice and dishes from China. Pouring red water Pouring 3 Tonging 1 Tonging […]
Montessori and Preschool Activities for Winter
Preschoolers really enjoy winter activities! The winter season is a great opportunity to introduce children to new experiences, concepts and skills. Below you’ll find some great resources from around the web to help you create a winter theme for your classroom and provide fun and engaging preschool activities for winter. Montessori Preschool Activities for Winter: […]
These were some of the activities we had on our Montessori shelves in honor of Hanukkah last week. On the Fine Motor Shelf We kept our fine motor shelf fairly simple with a blue and white color theme. Dry Pouring Wet Pouring Funnel Pouring Tong Transfer Tonging and Making a pattern with pom poms Spooning marbles Spooning glittery […]
Prepare a Montessori Classroom Feast
By mid-Autumn our class was ready to combine lots of practical life skills to come together and prepare a classroom feast! Here’s our step by step process for preparing food, setting the table, and enjoying our meal together! 1. Decide what you want to prepare with your class. In our 3-6 classroom, we made apple […]
Fire Safety
A Visit from the Fire Fighters Don’t be afraid of the fire fighter! Up close and personal with the fire hydrant outside We got to see the fire truck! Fire Safety Work I printed this set of Fire Safety Tips Posters from PreKinders in card size (four posters to a page) to make a […]
Strawberry Patch
We enjoyed a family field trip to go strawberry picking last weekend! The weather was perfect The berries were plentiful And we couldn’t wait to eat them! Slicing strawberries with an egg slicer (affiliate link) Strawberry Theme Activities in the Classroom We had some red and berry themed activities on our fine motor shelf Spooning little […]
Introduction to the Life Sciences
Living and Non Living A few years ago we introduced the concept of living and non-living by introducing the students to our brand new class pet. The big reveal! Observing the fish. They named him Violet. (RIP Violet. You served us well for 3 years. We loved you.) Comparing the living fish to a […]
Preschool Printables for March and St. Patrick’s Day
Here are some ideas for St. Patrick’s Day themed preschool activities to help you get ready for March. These printables are available in the Trillium Montessori Shop. Sorting pictures of shamrocks and people Shadow matching 0-10 Number Cards 0-10 Number Clip Cards Where is the leprechaun? Prepositions Game Follow 1-3 step directions Related Products Click […]
The Solar System
Today’s guest post is by Disha Patel of Lotus Montessori Extensions. She has some fun pictures of the variety of ways in which they explore planets in her class. Click the image below to see some of the activities we do here at Trillium when learning about Space in the following posts: by […]
Free Printable: January Idea Book
The January Seasonal Idea Book is ready! This resource includes ideas for practical life, language, and science lessons that are easy to implement and designed to complement your existing Montessori materials. Whether you’re looking to add variety to your routine or bring in some seasonal inspiration, the activities in this book offer simple yet meaningful options. […]
A Year of Montessori Fine Motor Shelves
“Practical Life” is a huge area of the Montessori Curriculum. It’s about giving children opportunities to engage in real everyday activities such as taking care of themselves and their surroundings, preparing food, cleaning up etc. Real. Life. Stuff. Many Montessori teachers call their fine motor activities Practical Life activities. I think of them more as […]
December Activities for Preschool
Here are a few more December activities to round off the month! Sensorial Smelling and matching Christmas scented candles. Use a blindfold for a fun challenge! Language We LOVE this “I Have Who Has” vocabulary development game from Kindergarten Squared Matching Christmas erasers with their outlines. I don’t remember where I got these but they […]
A Celebration of Light – The Winter Solstice
By Lisa Anderson Spending this time of the year with children reminds me of the beauty the holidays have to offer. Our students come from a variety of backgrounds and we try to acknowledge each family’s cultural traditions and share the joys of the season. This year we are celebrating the winter solstice and preparing […]
Holiday Gifts Your Child Can Sew
Please welcome Aimee Fagan! Aimee’s work on the Montessori Works Blog has been an inspiration to me for a long time. Aimee is a trained Montessori teacher and she has some wonderful resources for the practical life area of the classroom. She also writes about her experiences raising her children in a Montessori home. Today she […]
Free Printable: November Idea Book
The November Idea Book provides a collection of Montessori-aligned activities to help you bring the season into your classroom. It’s like a photo album of ideas, offering practical and engaging ways to introduce sorting, phonological awareness, early math, and more—each tied to the themes of autumn, from leaves to turkeys. This resource includes ideas for […]
Pumpkin Patch Fun
Pumpkin Patch Fun We will be taking a field trip to the pumpkin patch in a couple of weeks. To prepare, our classroom is starting to fill up with “pumpkiny” activities. If you haven’t already downloaded my October Seasonal Guide for the Classroom with pictures of all our seasonal activities for the month, you can get all […]
Free Printable: October Idea Book
Can you smell autumn in the air? Neither can I 🙂 But that doesn’t mean it’s not here! Pretty soon there will be a nip in the air, the leaves will begin changing color and pumpkins will start showing up on door steps. It’s time for us to start thinking about how to bring signs […]
Activities for a Beach Theme
We’re ready for summer and we’re starting to feel beachy! Shell Scrubbing Sorting seashells by size Spooning marbles onto a starfish suction mat Tweezing ocean themed mini beads onto a fish suction mat Scooping white pompoms with an ice cream scoop Spooning beach sand
Ideas for a Butterfly Unit
Raise caterpillars and observe how they change into butterflies! See more on our post about Painted Lady Butterflies here. Simple butterfly life cycle sequencing puzzle Monarch butterfly life cycle 3-part cards with objects. We made this set using images from Google. Types of Butterflies- 3-part cards and objects matching. We made this set by photographing […]
Learning About Europe
Materials for the Study of Europe @missnearingsmontessori This age never ceases to amaze me 💖🌍 #teachersoftiktok #montessori #teacherstories #preschoolactivities #preschoolteacher #kindergartenteacher #unitstudy #europe #europeisacontinentnotacountry ♬ original sound – Miss Nearing’s Montessori Miss Nearing from Tiktok shares how she’s using some of our Europe materials! Available in the Trillium Shop. Lining up the photo […]
On the Fine Motor Shelf in May
Sorting Birch Discs Sorting Paper Flowers Tonging Mini Eggs in Nests Tonging Feathers Spooning Seeds in Sunflower Dishes Spooning and Sorting Gems Pouring from a Mini Watering Can Using a Spoon and Funnel More Shelf Activities for Spring Preschool Literacy Activities for Spring Fine Motor Activities for Spring 18 Shelf Activities for Spring Learning About Flowers […]
Spring Literacy Activities for Preschoolers
Oral Language and Vocabulary Development The Question Game. Use the clues on the question card to find the right picture. (Source: Spring Montessori Pack and In the Garden Preschool Pack) Following Directions (Source: In the Garden Preschool Pack) Where is the Snail? A Prepositions Game (Source: In the Garden Preschool Pack) Matching and Sorting Sorting by Color(Source: In […]
Fine Motor Activities for Spring
Pouring into two containers Using an eye dropper Miniature pouring Eggs and Chicks Open and Close Transferring Plastic Eggs Bugs in the Grass Tweezing Activity. You can find plastic grass like this at the craft store or try Amazon (affiliate link). The tiny bugs were from a local teacher supply store. Scooping Corn Kernels. Wooden trays like […]
Shelf Activities for Spring
Playdoh mat from (free) Umbrella tissue sealing Gluing on a dot- Easter Egg confetti Assembling and gluing a flower Roll and Sort Buttons Flower Lacing Cards Garden Tools 3-Part Cards from Montessori Printshop (free) Flowers and Bulbs 3-Part Cards from Wildflower Ramblings (free) Reasoning Question Cards from Splashy Speech Stuff (free) Springtime Questions from Expressly Speaking Practicing Pronouns […]
Learning About South America
Build Your South America Unit As you gather materials for your South America continent studies, you may be interested in these resources from some of my favorite Montessori printable creators! South America Continents Pack from Every Star is Different South America Preschool Pack from Trillium Montessori South America A-Z from Trillium Montessori Rainforest Phonological […]
Learning About Asia: East Asia
A few items from East Asia on our shelves for the children to examine These photo-description cards are from the Asia A-Z Montessori Printables Pack Writing numbers in Chinese Origami fun A simple zen garden found at the dollar store Learning how to make some Chinese and Japanese characters with our Sumi E Board […]
Learning About Asia: Middle East
Continuing on with our study of Asia… Our display took on more of a Middle Eastern theme I found these treasures on one of my trips to Qatar. The last frame has different colored sand from the deserts of Arabia. A few items to add to our mystery bag. There’s a glass mosque, […]
Learning About Asia: South Asia
We’re focusing in on the countries of South Asia. We love Kathy Troxel’s song about South Asia on the album Geography Songs to learn the names of the countries in this region. (Track 15) We added a few items from South Asia to our display shelf. There’s a model of the Taj Mahal, a peacock feather […]
Learning About Asia: Introduction
I pulled out my Asia storage box a couple of weeks ago and was overwhelmed by the amount of stuff I’ve put in it over the years. I decided it was finally time to get it properly organized. (More thoughts about organizing thematic units here.) Here are the preliminary results! I put a few […]
A St. Patrick’s Day Theme
We’re getting the classroom ready for a St. Patrick’s Day and Rainbow theme! St. Patrick’s Day Fine Motor Activities Check out our St. Patrick’s Day fine motor activities post from last year Rainbows and St. Patrick’s Day Art Activities See more details in this post about rainbow activities from last year. Cutting shapes. I used […]
St. Patrick’s Day Phonological Awareness
These are some of the activities we have on our Phonological Awareness shelf for March! Activity 1: Word Awareness Poem and Sequencing Cards (Source: St. Patrick’s Day Phonological Awareness Pack) Activity 2: Rhyming Riddles (Source: St. Patrick’s Day Phonological Awareness Pack) Activity 3: Beginning Sounds Build-a-Shamrock (Source: St. Patrick’s Day Phonological Awareness Pack) Activity 4: Ending Sounds […]
On the Language Shelves in February
In another post, we shared some of the Valentine themed activities we had in the Fine Motor and Art areas of the classroom… like this heart-tonging work. This time we’re sharing some new activities we have on the Language shelves for February If you (or some of your students) are on heart-themed materials overload, you […]
Winter Olympics
Are you excited about the Winter Olympics coming up this year? We’ve got a few activities planned to keep up with all the fun! Stamping the Olympic rings with paper tubes and paint Cut (or pin-punch) a torch and glue some colored tissue to make a flame String beads to make the Olympic rings. Figuring […]
Animals in Winter Unit
Here are some of the materials I put together for our Animals in Winter unit. This is a non-fiction book we will be using to introduce the unit. I might keep the cards apart and put them up on display one at a time as we talk about what it says. (Source: Animals in […]
The Mitten
“The Mitten” by Jan Brett is such a great book to read with the children in winter. I made up some phonological awareness games for our pre-literacy shelf to go with the book. Skill: Isolating Words You will need a basket of blocks to play this game. The teacher reads a sentence card and […]
Montessori and Preschool Printables for Winter
There are so many simple ways to bring a winter theme into the classroom. Last week we shared pictures of some of the new materials we have out in January. Here are a few more! Winter Clothing color sort. I decided to print out the black-line set on colored construction paper this time to […]
January Printables
It’s a new year and a new month and time to put out some new materials! Here are some of the Wintery works we have on the shelves for January. On the Pre-Literacy Shelf We love the Question Game for vocabulary development and improving inferencing skills. These questions are little more advanced than the […]
Space Vocabulary: Free Printable
Teaching space vocabulary to your preschoolers? The “I Have, Who Has” game is a great way to make learning new words fun and interactive. This popular classroom game can be easily adapted to teach a variety of vocabulary, including space terms. Our free printable cards feature large photos and easy-to-read words, making it perfect for […]
Christmas Around the World
This month in our class we have been celebrating holidays around the world. We began in America with Hanukkah and Kwanzaa, comparing the similarities and differences between the two. We then departed for a ‘holiday globe trot’, some of which was inspired by A Year of Many Firsts, while also weaving in the heritage of our own […]
Antarctic Food Web: Free Printable
The Antarctic Food Web The Antarctic Food Web offers a fascinating glimpse into the relationships between species living in one of the coldest environments on Earth. Understanding these connections helps students grasp how life in extreme conditions relies on balance and interdependence. By teaching the Antarctic food web, you can introduce students to the unique […]
Physical Features of Antarctica: Free Printable
It is the gift-giving season in many parts of the world and I have a ton of gifts to share with my amazing blog subscribers! I will be uploading one new free printable every day until Christmas. Today’s Freebie Physical Features of Antarctica We had a ton of fun learning about Antarctica last year. Antarctica Overview […]
Free Printable Biomes of Australia
Scroll down for details on how to download this printable. Take a look at some of our Australia Unit Studies work from last year for more ideas. Learn more about the biomes of the world Related Products Click the images for details. (Affiliate links may be included in this post. See full disclosures here.) […]
Free Printable Biomes of North America
This free printable features six major biomes of North America: deserts, grasslands, temperate forests, tropical forests, wetlands, and polar regions/tundra with photos of representative regions. North America is home to many different types of natural environments, called biomes. A biome is a large area of land with a specific climate, plants, and animals. Each biome […]
Free Printable Symbols of North Carolina
Symbols of North Carolina 3-Part Cards These may not be as useful to those of you who don’t live in North Carolina! We added these to our Geography shelf during our North America unit studies. Related Products Click the images for details. (Affiliate links may be included in this post. See full disclosures here.) […]
On the Art Shelves in December
Here are some of the simple activities we have on our art shelves this month. Making little candy canes with left over pipe cleaner bits Lots of pinpunching variations out this month! Perfect for making Holiday cards. I love how sweet the santa hat and stocking look with the cotton glued on. This is a […]
December Fine Motor Shelf
Here are some pictures of our fine motor shelves all decked out in red and green to celebrate the season 🙂 December Fine Motor Fun! Pouring from a festive votive candle holder Tonging little ornaments into a candle holder we found at a thrift store. This little peg board is from the dollar store. I […]
December Printables
Here are some of the materials on our shelves in December Play Dough Mats Add these to your play dough work and see what the children do with them. I’ve really developed a liking for play dough mats over the last few years! From the December Preschool Pack Cutting Cutting strips. Children can practice […]
Thanksgiving in Our Class
We wanted to share some pictures from last year’s Thanksgiving Feast. This is the one holiday we always celebrate together as a class. It ties in so well with our study of North America, of plants and food, and is a culmination of so many of the practical life skills we’ve been practicing since the […]
December Phonological Awareness
I find that most Montessori Language Albums (manuals) don’t provide enough information about the pre-literacy skills children need to develop before being introduced to the Sandpaper Letters. In my opinion, a lot of time should to be spent on oral language development and ear training before symbols are introduced. Phonological awareness is an umbrella term […]
Learning About Leaves
Matching pressed leaves Matching leaf silhouettes Identifying leaves and trees This is a great fan deck with images of leaves and the trees they grow on Sorting big and little leaves Parts of a Leaf 3-part cards (Free in the Trillium Resource Library) Learning about leaf shapes with the botany cabinet Leaf […]
November Printables
There are so many great educational printables around the web for November! Here are some of our favorites: Language Oral Language “Hide, Turkey, Hide!” Prepositions Game. We found these little turkeys at Michael’s (a craft store). The lovely cards are from Kinder Kapers. Visual Matching Love these scarecrow matching cards! They are part of […]
November Fine Motor Shelf
Here are some of the fine motor activities we have lined up for November! Gotta bring out the turkey baster in November! Tweezing corn kernels. We picked up some ears of corn when we went on our field trip to the farm a couple of weeks ago. This one requires a little more dexterity. Picking […]
Plants We Eat
We introduced plants and plants we eat during our study of pumpkins. Here are some more of the activities we have been doing to explore the concept of edible plant parts. Sorting Plants on a Plate (I wish I could find the source for this set! It was a hand-me-down that I received over a […]
Pumpkins in Our Montessori Class
How Does a Pumpkin Grow? We went to the pumpkin patch to find out! We love it when our alumni come to visit! We planted some pumpkin seeds to watch them grow You can find these great cards at Montessori For Everyone. We made these pumpkin sequencing cards using images from Google. What’s […]