From seed to fruit, the life cycle of a pumpkin offers many opportunities to learn about seasons, nature, and the way that plants grow. In this post, we’ll explore the six stages in a pumpkin’s life cycle and share some fun facts about this plant. The Six Stages of the Pumpkin’s Life Cycle Pumpkins have […]
What are Biomes?
If you love exploring the great outdoors, you might have heard of the term “biome.” But what exactly are biomes? A biome is a big area of our planet where certain types of plants and animals live together because they like the same kind of climate. It’s a special area on Earth where everything fits […]
Learning About the Human Body
Did you know that the human body is made up of around 30 trillion cells? From the internal systems that keep us going to the senses that help us explore the world, the human body is full of exciting information to discover. In this post, we’ll share a roundup of ideas for a human body […]
The Rainforest Biome: Resources for the Classroom
Did you know that rainforests cover only 6% of the Earth’s surface but are home to more than half of the world’s plant and animal species? The rainforest biome is an important part of the Earth’s ecosystem, providing oxygen, regulating the climate, and supporting many, many species of plants and animals. Learning about the rainforest […]
Learning About Mammals
From the freezing tundra to the scorching desert and even in the ocean, mammals can be found all over the world. Some of the most well-known mammals include cats, dogs, bears, monkeys, whales – and humans! In this blog post, we’ve gathered a variety of resources to support a unit focused on learning about mammals. […]
The Ocean Biome
Did you know that the ocean covers about 70% of the Earth’s surface? Or that there’s enough salt in the ocean to completely cover all the Earth’s land surfaces? The ocean is an amazing place! In this blog post, we’ll “dive into” ideas to support a unit study of the vast ocean biome. We’ll give an […]
Learning About Fish
Did you know that there are over 30,000 species of fish in the world? Or that some fish can change their color to blend in with their surroundings? Fish are fascinating creatures that can be found in various bodies of water around the world. Learning about fish is an excellent way for children to expand their […]
The Desert Biome
Did you know that most desert regions receive less than 10 inches of rain per year? Plants and animals in the desert biome have developed some amazing strategies to survive in this harsh, arid climate. For example, the camel is able to survive for long periods without water thanks to the ability to store fat […]
The Temperate Forest Biome
With a mix of deciduous and coniferous trees (and often featuring dramatic changes from season to season!) the temperate forest biome is a fascinating ecosystem providing a home for a diverse range of plant and animal species. In this post, we’ll explore this beautiful biome and share useful resources for putting together a forest unit […]
Learning About Reptiles
From chameleons that can change color to crocodiles that can hold their breath for hours, reptiles are a captivating group of animals that can be found all over the world. Learning about reptiles can help children to broaden their scientific knowledge and vocabulary, as well as deepen their appreciation for the natural world. In this […]
The Wetland Biome
Have you ever spent time in a wetland? The wetland biome is full of fascinating plants and animals that are adapted to living in and near water, like cattails, water lilies, salamanders, frogs, turtles, and herons. The wetland also plays an important role in helping keep our water clean – more about this below. In […]
The Grassland Biome
Did you know that many grasslands depend on periodic wildfires to maintain balance in the ecosystem? A grassland is a large, open region containing many grasses and other low-growing plants. The grassland biome is found on all continents except Antarctica. In this blog post, we’ve collected resources for a unit study on grassland plants, animals, […]
Learning About Germs and Hygiene
Talking to young children about the concept of “germs” can be quite challenging! Preschoolers have a hard time conceptualizing things that they cannot experience through their senses. However, in this era when lives have been turned topsy turvy because of a global pandemic, the conversation about germs is difficult to put off! The Germs […]
Montessori Resources for Learning About Birds
We always enjoy learning about birds! From eggs, to feathers, to nests, there is a lot to explore. One of our readers, Dagmar Brumovska shared this fantastic bird egg activity with us… including a free printable! You can find this printable in Dagmar’s brand new TpT store HERE. (While Dagmar’s egg printable makes a fun […]
Learning About Frogs and Amphibians
Did you know that amphibians are the only vertebrates capable of breathing through their skin? It’s true! In this blog post, we’ll share a variety of engaging resources for a lesson or unit study focused on frogs and amphibians. We’ve pulled together a range of books, crafts, printables, and hands-on activities perfect for students interested […]
Learning About Bees
Hands on activities for learning about bees in the preschool and Montessori classroom. When you’re working with preschoolers and young children, keep in mind that they need to have exposure to the real thing before working with abstract representations of it. This is particularly true for nature. Spend lots of time in nature. Get dirty, see […]
Strawberry Patch
We enjoyed a family field trip to go strawberry picking last weekend! The weather was perfect The berries were plentiful And we couldn’t wait to eat them! Slicing strawberries with an egg slicer (affiliate link) Strawberry Theme Activities in the Classroom We had some red and berry themed activities on our fine motor shelf Spooning little […]
Introduction to the Life Sciences
Living and Non Living A few years ago we introduced the concept of living and non-living by introducing the students to our brand new class pet. The big reveal! Observing the fish. They named him Violet. (RIP Violet. You served us well for 3 years. We loved you.) Comparing the living fish to a […]
The Solar System
Today’s guest post is by Disha Patel of Lotus Montessori Extensions. She has some fun pictures of the variety of ways in which they explore planets in her class. Click the image below to see some of the activities we do here at Trillium when learning about Space in the following posts: by […]
Ideas for a Butterfly Unit
Raise caterpillars and observe how they change into butterflies! See more on our post about Painted Lady Butterflies here. Simple butterfly life cycle sequencing puzzle Monarch butterfly life cycle 3-part cards with objects. We made this set using images from Google. Types of Butterflies- 3-part cards and objects matching. We made this set by photographing […]
Animals in Winter Unit
Here are some of the materials I put together for our Animals in Winter unit. This is a non-fiction book we will be using to introduce the unit. I might keep the cards apart and put them up on display one at a time as we talk about what it says. (Source: Animals in […]
Space Vocabulary: Free Printable
Teaching space vocabulary to your preschoolers? The “I Have, Who Has” game is a great way to make learning new words fun and interactive. This popular classroom game can be easily adapted to teach a variety of vocabulary, including space terms. Our free printable cards feature large photos and easy-to-read words, making it perfect for […]
Antarctic Food Web: Free Printable
The Antarctic Food Web The Antarctic Food Web offers a fascinating glimpse into the relationships between species living in one of the coldest environments on Earth. Understanding these connections helps students grasp how life in extreme conditions relies on balance and interdependence. By teaching the Antarctic food web, you can introduce students to the unique […]
Learning About Leaves
Matching pressed leaves Matching leaf silhouettes Identifying leaves and trees This is a great fan deck with images of leaves and the trees they grow on Sorting big and little leaves Parts of a Leaf 3-part cards (Free in the Trillium Resource Library) Learning about leaf shapes with the botany cabinet Leaf […]
Plants We Eat
We introduced plants and plants we eat during our study of pumpkins. Here are some more of the activities we have been doing to explore the concept of edible plant parts. Sorting Plants on a Plate (I wish I could find the source for this set! It was a hand-me-down that I received over a […]
Painted Lady Butterflies
Painted Lady Butterflies are a common and well-known species of butterfly found in many parts of the world. They are easily recognizable by their colorful and patterned wings. In this lesson, we will explore the Painted Lady Butterfly’s life cycle, habitat, and role in the ecosystem. Studying Painted Lady Butterflies provides an excellent way for […]
Flower Activities
We were given such a spectacular display of flowers for Teacher Appreciation week that we thought it was time to bring out our floral works! Sensorial Exploration Different Kinds of Flowers We have a ridiculous number of picture matching cards and they’re all out on the shelves! I may donate some of these to […]
Learning About Bugs
It’s spring and the season for bugs! We have a little guy in our class this year who is going to be over the moon about this unit. We call him the bug whisperer. Come back next week to check out photos of our Fine Motor and Art shelves filled with buggy activities. Our oh-so-very […]
Antarctica: Learning About Whales
We love whales! Here are a few of the books we’ve been using Some of the children spontaneously took out the world puzzle map and globes while they examined the books about whales. I love when they start doing these things on their own! One of our parents emailed us this little gem: “You must have […]
Learning About Space 2
Here’s our unit studies shelf with many of the Astronomy materials described in our first Learning About Space post. The Universe nesting boxes My school is in the town of Cary, which is in the State of North Carolina, which is in the country of the United States, which is on the continent of North […]
Learning About Space
Here’s our unit studies shelf with many of our Astronomy materials. This is our Solar System basket. I paper mache’d the foam planets from a kit in order to make them more durable. The booklet has a great song entitled “The Family of the Sun”. I used a product called sculptamold on this styrofoam […]
Animals in Winter
This is our Unit Studies shelf with activities to help children explore what animals do in winter. Here’s our setup for making animal tracks in playdoh. A little glitter in the white playdoh can make the work even more attractive. I used the animals from our North America box for this activity. […]