It’s February – here are some of our favorite classroom activities for this time of year!
This is a fun matching work that Ms. Rashidah created for us last year. I like how you have to look carefully to make sure you get the correct pair of valentine stamp stickers matched up.
The Secret Number Game (also called the Memory Game) is always a huge hit with the children. You open one of the little heart boxes and take a peak at the number hidden inside. Then trot off back to the shelf with the red pail and bring the correct number of hearts back with you. Your partner then gets to figure out what number you found in your box by counting the hearts you brought back. This reinforces basic counting skills as well strengthening memory for numbers. Plus, guessing secrets is fun!
We added purple hearts to the Numbers and Counters with a Control Card work. These cards were purchased but you can easily make them yourself.
We changed out the counters in the traditional Numbers and Counters work. These bean shaped counters look enough like hearts to me!
Intro to Sewing
I love the new ribbons in our ribbon weaving work! It’s so rare to find the quatrefoil shape in day-to-day items. I’m waiting for the kids to notice this little point of interest 🙂
We’ve added quite a complex pattern to our necklace making work this month. Many of our 4 year olds (and some of our 3s) are doing a great job matching this pattern! It’s ABCB and then repeats again with a different color.
All of our bead string, bracelet making, necklace making, ribbon weaving and sewing plate work has been leading up to this! Finally, an introductory sewing work! One day I’ll have to do a post on our intro to sewing sequence. This particular activity was inspired by this post.
Fold, trace and cut a heart. This is not easy! I decided to go with a blue color theme here to compensate for the over abundance of pink and purple in the room this month. I was recently told by a 4 yr old boy that blue is the king of all colors. The boys love this work.
Hearts for pinpunching
Fine Motor
I love these teeny pretty pitchers I found at the thrift store. They are filled with purple dyed flower-shaped pasta.
I like to keep funnel pouring work out for quite a while. It’s fairly tricky to figure out when to stop pouring. Some schools will put a little tape line on the smaller bottles to indicate where to stop but I much prefer this extra level of challenge.
Tonging hearts. These hearts are irresistible! We’ve had to empty a few pockets before going home…
Roll the dice then transfer the pom poms with the clip. This is great for developing hand strength (and counting!) Thanks to childcareland for the inspiration! (The link should take you to a similar activity with bells instead of pom poms for a Christmas theme.)
It baffles me that my 3 year olds can fill up the heart with these minuscule fuze beads.
Transferring red water with a baster. Thank you, To the Lesson! for this great idea!
They can’t get enough of these sparkly balls – so inviting!
Spooning pink rice – this one is easy to update by swapping the spoon every few days to add interest.
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Seemi holds a Master's degree in education, and an AMS Early Childhood credential. She has twenty years of experience in Montessori as a teacher, school administrator, and school owner. Seemi is the founder of