If you’re planning to do a camping theme in your summer program this year, here are some shelf activities you can add to the classroom:
Spooning little bees
We had this Sneaky Snacky Squirrel Game lying around and used it for a color matching and fine motor activity.
A little setup for pond life
Gluing little trees on dots
Trailmix recipe
Camping matching cards (source: unknown)
Camping initial sound clip cards (source: unknown)
Roll the dice and cover the correct tent (source: unknown)
Owl number cards for for the numbers and counters work (source: unknown)
But really, you don’t just want to put camping stuff on your shelves! You need to take the children outside!
Start with this book about taking Montessori outside by Marnie Craycroft
If you’re planning to do a camping theme in your summer camp this year, check out some of these free printables and resources:
Camping PreK Pack by Money Saving Mom
Camping and my Five Senses by Curriculum Castle
Camping Printable Pack by Homeschool Creations
Camping Themed I Spy Game by And Next Comes L
Camping Coloring Pages by 1plus1plus1equals1.net
Camping Centers and Activities by Pocket of Preschool
Seemi holds a Master's degree in education, and an AMS Early Childhood credential. She has twenty years of experience in Montessori as a teacher, school administrator, and school owner. Seemi is the founder of TrilliumMontessori.org.