by Ashley McLean Connecting the two concepts of gender creativity and following the child should come easily to us as Montessorians. For me, it took my born-male-child asking to wear a skirt to jump start my journey of understanding the link. The Gender Journey My gender education started when Ben (name has been changed for […]
You Still Need to Set Boundaries During the Quarantine
By Sara Bloomberg “The liberty of the child ought to have as its limits the collective interest of the community in which s/he moves ….” Maria Montessori, Discovery of the Child By now, I am sure that everyone you know (possibly even you) has either mentioned, created or tweaked their family schedule a million times. […]
Work at Home Montessori Parent
The Work-at-Home Parent Conundrum For so many of you, working from home while caring for your children will undoubtedly bring challenges. While I cannot promise it will always be comfortable, I can say that if we focus on modifying some key points, you can manage. One up- one down If there are two of you […]
The Connected Family
I’m so excited to introduce you to my friend Kim Hughes today! Kim has been a master teacher, mentor and leader for many many years. Although she’s not a Montessorian, her approach to discipline works very well with Montessori. She is a certified Conscious Discipline ® Loving Guidance Associate, personally trained by Dr. Becky Bailey. -Seemi by […]
Sitting on the Rug
I’m excited to share our very first guest post with you! Heidi Walker will be coming over to Trillium next month to conduct our April Parent Workshop. I had a great time chatting with her recently and I am sure you will all get a TON out of her presentation! Read more about Heidi […]