Goodbye 2013! It’s been a fun year on the blog!
Here are our most visited posts for 2013. I chunked some of the series together for you.
A HUGE thank you to Deb at Living Montessori Now for sending us most of our visitors. 2013 would have been very different without you!
1. Fifteen Days of Freebies
Did you get your free Montessori printables?
2. Organizing in 4 Dimensions Series
From Montessori Record Keeping to storing little spoons and jars, here it is.
3. Learning About Bugs
This turned out to be a huge thematic unit.
4. Learning About Space
5. December Phonological Awareness
This was one of my favorite flash freebies of the year.
6. October Printables
A whole lot of links to free (and some paid) Montessori-friendly printables for October
7. The Continent of Africa
Geography is a very important part of our class!
8. November Fine Motor Shelf
Lots of simple Fall fun for the classroom
9. On the Art Shelves in January
These seasonal trees were fun to do (along with a bunch of other art activities in this post)
10: Antarctica: Penguins
We LOVED our Antarctica studies!
Thank you, dear readers, for sticking with me this year! Wishing everyone a wonderful 2014.
Don’t miss our printable Activities for January.
Seemi holds a Master's degree in education, and an AMS Early Childhood credential. She has twenty years of experience in Montessori as a teacher, school administrator, and school owner. Seemi is the founder of