Christmas is a magical time of year, and many words associated with the holiday season start with the letter “i.” Below is a list of Christmas words beginning with “i,” perfect for introducing your students to festive vocabulary.

Here Is A List Of Unique Christmas Words That Start With “i” To Expand Your Child’s Christmas Vocabulary
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See more lists of Christmas Words
Description: Frozen water that forms crystals, especially during winter.
Example Sentence: The pond was covered in a thick layer of ice, perfect for skating.
Description: Gliding over ice on skates, a popular winter activity.
Example Sentence: We went ice-skating on the frozen lake and had so much fun.
Description: Pointed pieces of ice that hang from something, usually forming when water drips and freezes.
Example Sentence: Icicles hung from the roof like sparkling decorations.
Description: A sweet, creamy layer spread on cakes and cookies.
Example Sentence: The Christmas cookies were covered in red and green icing.
Description: Very cold, often describing surfaces that are covered with ice.
Example Sentence: The roads were icy, so we had to drive carefully.
Description: A thought or plan that comes to mind.
Example Sentence: She had a great idea for decorating the Christmas tree.
Description: Perfect or best suited for a purpose.
Example Sentence: A snowy evening by the fire was the ideal way to spend Christmas Eve.
Description: A house made of snow and ice, traditionally built by Inuit people.
Example Sentence: We built a small igloo in the backyard after the snowstorm.
Description: To light up or make bright.
Example Sentence: The Christmas lights illuminated the entire neighborhood.
Description: Existing only in the imagination; not real.
Example Sentence: The children told stories about an imaginary Christmas land.
Description: The ability to form ideas or images in the mind.
Example Sentence: With a little imagination, they turned the living room into Santa’s workshop.
Description: Perfectly clean, pure, or flawless.
Example Sentence: The dining room was immaculate, ready for the Christmas feast.
Description: In a perfectly clean or flawless way.
Example Sentence: The house was immaculately decorated for the Christmas party.
Description: A name meaning “God with us,” often used in Christmas hymns.
Example Sentence: The choir sang “O Come, O Come, Immanuel” during the Christmas service.
Description: Unable to wait calmly for something to happen.
Example Sentence: The children were impatient, eagerly waiting for Christmas morning.
Description: The belief in Christianity that God became human in the form of Jesus.
Example Sentence: The nativity scene represents the incarnation of Christ.
Description: A substance that is burned for its sweet smell, often used in religious ceremonies.
Example Sentence: The church was filled with the scent of incense during the Christmas mass.
Description: Not able to be destroyed.
Example Sentence: The old Christmas ornaments seemed indestructible, surviving year after year.
Description: Discomfort in the stomach after eating too much food.
Example Sentence: After all the Christmas treats, I ended up with a bit of indigestion.
Description: Allowing oneself to enjoy something special, often food or drink.
Example Sentence: We were indulgent with the holiday desserts, having an extra slice of pie.
Description: Allowing oneself to enjoy something special or luxurious.
Example Sentence: Christmas is the perfect time for indulging in delicious sweets.
Description: A very young child or baby.
Example Sentence: The nativity scene showed the infant Jesus lying in a manger.
Description: Something that has no end or limit.
Example Sentence: The sky seemed to stretch into infinity, filled with twinkling stars.
Description: Casual or relaxed, not formal.
Example Sentence: We had an informal Christmas gathering with close friends.
Description: A liquid used for writing or printing.
Example Sentence: The Christmas cards were written in red and green ink.
Description: A small hotel or place to stay, often mentioned in the nativity story.
Example Sentence: Mary and Joseph found no room at the inn, so they stayed in a stable.
Description: A person who manages an inn.
Example Sentence: The innkeeper showed them to a room with a warm fireplace.
Description: Pure, not guilty, or free from sin.
Example Sentence: The children’s innocent laughter filled the air on Christmas morning.
Description: Unable to be separated; always together.
Example Sentence: The two friends were inseparable, spending every Christmas together.
Description: A feeling of being motivated to create or do something.
Example Sentence: The holiday decorations were an inspiration for their own home.
Description: Very strong, extreme, or powerful.
Example Sentence: The intense cold outside made the warm fire inside even cozier.
Description: Twisted together; connected in a complicated way.
Example Sentence: The garland was intertwined with lights and ornaments.
Description: Personal, close, or private, especially in relationships.
Example Sentence: They had an intimate Christmas dinner with just family.
Description: A request for someone to attend an event.
Example Sentence: We received an invitation to their Christmas party.
Description: The act of participating in something.
Example Sentence: Her involvement in the Christmas play made the event special.
Description: Showing bright colors that seem to change when seen from different angles.
Example Sentence: The Christmas ornaments were iridescent, shining in all colors.
Description: In a way that is impossible to hold back or control.
Example Sentence: The children’s excitement was irrepressibly joyful on Christmas morning.
Description: In a way that is impossible to resist or say no to.
Example Sentence: The smell of gingerbread cookies was irresistibly delicious.
Description: To list things one by one.
Example Sentence: Santa Claus took time to itemize all the children’s wishes.
Description: A plant with green leaves that often grows on walls, associated with Christmas.
Example Sentence: The house was decorated with ivy and holly for Christmas.
What are some Christmas words that start with “i”?
Here are some unique Christmas words that start with “i” (see descriptions and sample sentences above):
Ice, Ice-Skating, Icicles, Icing, Icy, Idea, Ideal, Igloo, Illuminate, Imaginary, Imagination, Immaculate, Immaculately, Immanuel, Impatient, Incarnation, Incense, Indestructible, Indigestion, Indulgent, Indulging, Infant, Infinity, Informal, Ink, Inn, Innkeeper, Innocent, Inseparable, Inspiration, Intense, Intertwined, Intimate, Invitation, Involvement, Iridescent, Irrepressibly, Irresistibly, Itemize, Ivy
Christmas Learning Resources

December Activities for Preschool

Holiday Gifts Your Child Can Sew

Christmas Around the World

On the Art Shelves in December

December Fine Motor Shelf

December Printables

December Phonological Awareness

Gabrielle Kotkov is an AMI-trained 3-6 Montessorian and educational consultant. She has a Master's Degree in Child Studies and is certified in TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages). She is particularly interested in the intersection between Montessori education and multilingualism, which led her to create the Multilingual Montessori website and podcast. Gabrielle has taught in schools in NYC, Sicily, London, and Austin, and is currently on the teaching faculty of the West Side Montessori School Teacher Education Program, an AMS training center in NYC.