Whether you’re working on a school paper or just exploring new words, this guide will help you discover things that start with the letter “E.” We’ve organized these words into categories like parts of speech, foods, instruments, places, and more to make your research easier and more interesting!

Table of Contents
- Parts of Speech that Start with E
- Encouraging and Positive Words that Start with E
- Short Words that Start with E
- Foods that Start with E
- Instruments that Start with E
- Occupations and Hobbies that Start with E
- Countries and Places that Start with E
- Languages that Start with E
- Science Words that Start with E
- Animals that Start with E
- Plants that Start with E
- Also See
Parts of Speech that Start with E
- Egg: A round or oval object laid by birds, reptiles, and some other animals.
- Elbow: The joint in the middle of the arm.
- Elephant: The largest land animal, known for its trunk and tusks.
- Elm: A type of tree with broad leaves.
- Empire: A group of states or territories controlled by one ruler or government.
- Engine: A machine that produces motion or power.
- Energy: The capacity to do work or cause change.
- Envelope: A flat paper container used to hold letters or documents.
- Exam: A formal test of knowledge or ability in a particular subject.
- Eat: To consume food.
- Explore: To travel through a place to learn more about it.
- Encourage: To give someone support or confidence.
- Escape: To break free from confinement or control.
- Examine: To inspect something closely to learn more about it.
- Emerge: To come out from hiding or to become visible.
- Erase: To remove something completely.
- Expand: To increase in size, number, or importance.
- Embrace: To hold someone closely in your arms as a sign of affection.
- Eager: Having a strong desire or interest in something.
- Elegant: Graceful and stylish in appearance or manner.
- Enthusiastic: Showing excitement and interest.
- Efficient: Performing tasks in the best possible way with minimal effort or waste.
- Expensive: Costing a lot of money.
- Enormous: Very large in size or quantity.
- Elastic: Able to stretch and return to its original shape.
- Exact: Completely accurate and precise.
- Energetic: Full of energy and enthusiasm.
- Endless: Having no limit or end.
Encouraging and Positive Words that Start with E
- Empathy: The ability to understand and share the feelings of others.
- Empower: To give someone the power or confidence to do something.
- Encourage: To give support and inspire confidence in someone.
- Excited: Feeling very enthusiastic and eager about something.
- Excellent: Extremely good or outstanding.
- Engaged: Fully involved or committed to a task or person.
- Evolve: To grow or develop over time.
- Enlighten: To give someone greater knowledge or understanding.
- Endurance: The ability to keep going despite challenges or difficulties.
- Exceptional: Outstanding or above average in quality.
Short Words that Start with E
- Egg: A round or oval object laid by birds, reptiles, and some other animals.
- End: The final part of something.
- Eye: The organ that allows animals to see.
- Elf: A small, mythical being often seen in folklore.
- Era: A long and distinct period of history.
- Err: To make a mistake.
Foods that Start with E
- Eggplant: A purple vegetable commonly used in cooking.
- Eclair: A French pastry filled with cream and topped with icing.
- Edamame: Young soybeans, often served as a snack or appetizer.
- Egg: A common food item laid by chickens, often used in cooking and baking.
- Escargot: A dish of cooked snails, often served in French cuisine.
- Enchilada: A Mexican dish made with a tortilla rolled around a filling and covered in sauce.
- English Muffin: A small, round bread that’s split and toasted.
- Elderberry: A small, dark fruit often used to make jams, syrups, and teas.
- Egg Salad: A dish made from hard-boiled eggs mixed with mayonnaise and seasonings.
Instruments that Start with E
- Electric Guitar: A guitar that uses electrical signals to produce sound.
- Euphonium: A brass instrument similar to the tuba, but smaller.
- Erhu: A two-stringed Chinese musical instrument, also known as a “Chinese violin.”
- English Horn: A woodwind instrument similar to the oboe but with a lower pitch.
- Electric Keyboard: A keyboard instrument that produces sound electronically.
- Ektara: A one-stringed instrument often used in Indian folk music.
- Electric Drum Kit: A drum set that uses electronic pads to create sound.
- Euphonium: A brass instrument, smaller than a tuba, with a rich, deep tone.
- Elka Synthesizer: An electronic keyboard instrument used in music production.
- Electric Violin: A violin that produces sound using electrical amplification.
Occupations and Hobbies that Start with E
- Engineer: A person who designs, builds, or maintains machines, structures, or systems.
- Electrician: A professional who installs and repairs electrical systems.
- Editor: Someone who revises and prepares content for publication.
- Entrepreneur: A person who starts and runs their own business.
- Economist: A person who studies the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services.
- Event Planner: A professional who organizes and coordinates events such as weddings or conferences.
- Ecologist: A scientist who studies ecosystems and the environment.
- Educator: A teacher or someone who provides instruction or education.
- Executive: A person with a high-level management role in a company or organization.
- Explorer: Someone who travels to new or unfamiliar places to discover more about them.
Countries and Places that Start with E
- Egypt: A country in North Africa known for its ancient pyramids and history.
- Ecuador: A country in South America located on the equator.
- Estonia: A small European country located on the Baltic Sea.
- Ethiopia: A country in East Africa known for its ancient culture and history.
- El Salvador: A small country in Central America.
- England: A country that is part of the United Kingdom, known for its history and landmarks.
- Eritrea: A country in the Horn of Africa.
- Eswatini: A small kingdom in southern Africa, formerly known as Swaziland.
- Edinburgh: The capital city of Scotland, known for its historic architecture.
- Everest: The highest mountain in the world, located in the Himalayas.
Languages that Start with E
- English: One of the most widely spoken languages in the world.
- Estonian: The official language of Estonia.
- Ewe: A language spoken in Ghana and Togo.
- Esperanto: A constructed international auxiliary language.
- Edo: A language spoken in Nigeria.
- Embu: A Bantu language spoken in Kenya.
- Erzya: A language spoken in Russia, part of the Mordvinic languages.
- Efik: A language spoken in Nigeria.
- Eyak: A nearly extinct language once spoken in Alaska.
- Ewe: A Niger-Congo language spoken by the Ewe people in West Africa.
Science Words that Start with E
- Ecosystem: A community of living organisms and their environment
- Energy: The capacity to do work or cause physical change.
- Evaporation: The process by which water changes from a liquid to a gas.
- Evolution: The gradual development of species over time through natural selection.
- Erosion: The process by which soil and rock are worn away by natural forces like wind and water.
- Electron: A subatomic particle with a negative charge, found in all atoms.
- Enzyme: A protein that speeds up chemical reactions in the body.
- Element: A substance that cannot be broken down into simpler substances by chemical means.
- Embryo: An early stage of development for living organisms, typically before birth.
- Equator: An imaginary line around the middle of the Earth, dividing it into northern and southern hemispheres.
- Exoskeleton: A hard outer structure that provides protection or support for some animals, like insects.
- Echolocation: A method used by animals like bats and dolphins to navigate by emitting sounds and listening for the echoes.
Animals that Start with E
- Eel: A long, snake-like fish found in both freshwater and saltwater.
- Egret: A type of wading bird, often white, found near water.
- Elephant: The largest land animal, known for its trunk and tusks.
- Elk: A large member of the deer family found in forests and meadows.
- Emu: A large, flightless bird native to Australia.
Plants that Start with E
- Eucalyptus: A fast-growing tree native to Australia, known for its fragrant leaves.
- Elderberry: A shrub that produces dark berries often used in medicine and food.
- Elm: A type of tree with broad leaves, often planted along streets or in parks.
- Echinacea: A flowering plant used in herbal remedies to boost the immune system.
- English Ivy: A climbing vine known for its dark green leaves and ability to grow on walls.
- Evening Primrose: A wildflower known for its bright yellow blooms that open at night.
- Eryngo: A spiky flowering plant often found in coastal areas.
- Evergreen: A type of plant that keeps its leaves throughout the year.
- Epiphyllum: A type of cactus known for its large, colorful flowers.
- Euphorbia: A diverse group of plants, including poinsettias and other ornamental species.
This guide provides a wide variety of “things that start with E,” from parts of speech to animals and plants, helping students with their research or school projects. Whether you’re looking for science words or foods, this list covers a wide range of topics!
Adjectives that Start with E

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41 Christmas Words that Start with E

Gabrielle Kotkov is an AMI-trained 3-6 Montessorian and educational consultant. She has a Master's Degree in Child Studies and is certified in TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages). She is particularly interested in the intersection between Montessori education and multilingualism, which led her to create the Multilingual Montessori website and podcast. Gabrielle has taught in schools in NYC, Sicily, London, and Austin, and is currently on the teaching faculty of the West Side Montessori School Teacher Education Program, an AMS training center in NYC.